Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fuck Rock: ABC No Rio comp LP 1991

This is the final version of the Fuck Rock compilation that came out in 2010 along with the 25th anniversary issue of Artcore Fanzine. I want to thank all the bands & people involved that waited a couple of decades for this record to see the light of day. Eternal gratitude to Welly from Artcore for masterminding the project & Aston from Boss Tuneage records for his role in putting it out. Last but not least, Vin from B&Q for graciously putting this up on this blog. The comp is dedicated to the memory of friends that have passed away since these recordings were made: Francisco (Pancho) Alegria from Huasipungo, Tom Ota from Warning & Pete King (early ABC scenester)- RIP old buddies.
-Freddy Alva


Side A

ABC NO RIO - Intro
Rorschach - Synthetic Intelligence
Warning - Blind Leading The Blind
Citizens Arrest - Pressure's On (Red C)
Animal Crackers - Roadkill
Born Against - Resist Control
GO! - The Dead Ones
Inflatable Children - Ignore Me
Antiem - God Dog

Side B

DJ Chuck Love - Intro
Animal Crackers - Farting Is A Spiritual Release
Citizens Arrest - Touch & Go
GO! - Kept
Inflatable Children - Landshark
Hell No - Deal With It
Huasipungo - Stupid Ambition
Born Against - Well Fed Fuck
GO! - The ABC Song

I'm excited to have this on the blog again. The final version (5 extra tracks) of the long lost ABC comp, excellent sound quality straight from the master tapes. Ripped at 320. Thanks to Freddy and all the bands for letting B&Q be the home for this piece of hardcore history. Enjoy!

Following text taken from the previous Fuck Rock post:

Charles Maggio - vocals / Keith Huckins - guitar / 

Nick Forte - guitar / Chris Laucella - bass / Andrew Gormley - drums
Tom Rusnak replaced Chris on bass in 1992
Synthetic Intelligence. A crushing version of the track that originally appeared on the "Fear of Smell" comp LP (Vermiform 1993). I was lucky enough to see Rorschach a few times back in the early '90s, and they were completely devastating every time. One of the most powerful live bands of the era. Probably of any era.

Neil - vocals / Todd - guitar (more info as i get it)
Blind Leading The Blind. Great Discharge inspired track. I can't find any info on this band at this time, but i'll be updating this page as more info comes in. If you know anything about this band, please leave a comment.

Citizens Arrest
Daryl Kahan - vocals / Janis Cakars - guitar / 

Joseph Martin - bass / Patrick Winter - drums
Touch & Go / Pressure's On. An alternate recording of Touch & Go from the mighty "Colossus" LP (Wardance 1991) and a cover of Red C's "Pressure's On" from the classic "Flex Your Head" comp LP (Dischord 1982). CxA were my favorite hardcore band of the '90s, yet, as many times as they played ABC, i missed them every time. I'm still kicking myself. They're playing shows again with the original lineup, including Ted Leo who sang on the demo. Fuckin' A!

Animal Crackers
Ted Leo - vocals / Janis Cakars - guitar / Squeaky - guitar /
Charlie Adamec - bass / William Tarrant - drums
Roadkill / Farting Is A Spiritual Release. Christ, i haven't heard Animal Crackers in over 15 years. Fast hardcore punk songs with Ted Leo's vocals adding a pop edge. I'm pretty sure this stuff was recorded around the time he was starting Chisel (who i love).

Born Against
Sam McPheeters - vocals / Adam Woodrow - guitar / 

Javier Villegas - bass / Jon Hiltz - drums
Bret Blue replaced Javier on bass somewhere between '91-'92, so i'm not sure who plays drums on these recordings. Born Against had tons of bassist and drummer changes during their existence (for more info check out the Born Against WFMU Sessions post).
Resist Control / Well Fed Fuck. Resist Control was originally performed by Adam's former band, Life's Blood, and Well Fed Fuck is an alternate recording of the closing track to their "9 Patriotic Hymns For Children" LP (Vermiform 1991). I got to see Born Against at ABN No Rio once (with Merel i think) and they were just insane. I'm not sure what Sam was on, but i wanted some. "We're Jock Gestopo, and this first song is called Born Against".

Mike Bullshit - vocals / Aaron - guitar / Steve - bass on "The Dead Ones" and "Kept" / Anthony Emo - bass on "The ABC Song" / 

Jim Paradise - drums 
The Dead Ones / Kept / The ABC Song
These tracks are not exclusive versions unfortunately, but GO! was a huge part of the ABC No Rio scene and i'm glad they're represented on the comp. Two tracks from the "There Is No Man" 7" (Tasty Records 1991) and one track (The ABC Song) from the great "Why Suffer?" 7" (Forefront Records 1990). GO! is still putting out records and playing shows. Very fun shows.

Inflatable Children
Derek Stukuls - vocals / Gregory Benton - guitar / 

Gregory Stukuls - guitar / Brian Huppi - bass / Jeff Moynihan - drums
Landshark / Ignore Me
I'm pretty unfamiliar with this band. But i plan of fixing that, as this is killer stuff. Pretty sure "Landshark" is an exclusive track, as it's not on the LP or split. "Ignore Me" was released on the split 7" with Puzzlehead (Old Glory Records 1991). Not sure if this is the same version, as i've never heard that split.

Rich Trash - vocals / Jon Hiltz - guitar / Joe Martin - bass /
Melissa York - vocals / Patrick Winter - drums
Dog God. A massive sounding wall of noise by this ABC "supergroup". I couldn't believe this was Rich Trash (Manacled) when i first heard it. He sounds like a rabid dog here, ready to kill someone. Monster of a song. I need more of this.

Hell No
John Woods - vocals / Janis Cakars - guitar / Joe Martin - bass /
Jim Paradise - drums
Deal With It. Yet another band with Janis on guitar and Joe on bass, and yet another great live band. This song sounds familiar, and i'm pretty sure it's a re-working of a song from the first record, with a different name.

Esneider - vocals / Ivan - guitar ('91-'92) / David Wilentz - bass/guitar ('91-'92) / Mike - bass ('91-'97) / Francisco - drums ('91-'92) / Naoki - drums ('91-'92) / Amanda - guitar/vocals ('92-'93)
Stupid Ambition. I'm not sure the exact lineup of these recordings, as Huasipungo was contantly changing members (and their were more member changes after '92 that i didn't list here). This is a re-recording of one of the band's earlier songs, when they played completely chaotic and frantic hardcore. One of my favorite, and one of the most overlooked and under-appreciated bands of the '90s.